EventOn QR Code
QR Code addon for EventON is the subsequent bottom of checking-in appearance at thine next event. You be able makes use of you very own smart cellphone yet appear peaceful doing so.
Scan your customer’s tickets yet RSVP confirmations together with an easement using our QR Code addon because eventON yet check-in appearance at your tournament using anybody 3rd birthday celebration mobile QR Code scanner app.
Embedded QR Codes
QR Codes desire lie embedded direct of affirmation tickets despatched oversea in accordance with your customers
Mobile Friendly Check-in
QR Code check-in is fully purposeful within cellular systems including beautiful pure check-in page design
Use third Party Apps after Scan QR Code
You can uses somebody 3rd birthday celebration iPhone then Android app to scan QR Codes yet check-in attendees.
Admin & Selected Roles Can Check-in Attendees
You perform pick out who person roles have the authority according to scan visitors at the gate. No certain more execute cheat and find within for free!
Tickets Or RSVP
QR Codes require either RSVP addon then EventTickets addon according to job so that intention paint QR codes into those tickets
Other Ticket Information
When you scan a label you wish recommend a number of mean facts such so label carrier name, match name, amount regarding tickets between the discipline and tournament type category.
Checkin and Uncheck
You can easily scan a QR Code yet checkin guests yet scan restrained visitors yet have the option to uncheck them.
Check Other Tickets concerning Same Order
For eventon tickets scanning, postulate the label ye scan was once ordered together with mean tickets among the same rule ye execute check-in those tickets out of the equal modesty barring lowlife in conformity with scan single ticket.
Other Features regarding QR Code Addon
- Drop checkin web page shortcode in conformity with vary any page into checking page
- See other stamp records on checking web page eg. Attendee name, email, match name etc.
- Multiple qr code scanning modes, inclusive of Scanner gun scanning
- Support encrypted EventON Ticket numbers
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